
Benjamin Jocheles
Parental name Vulf
Birth date 1898
Gender Male
Place of residence Strašūno g. 7 - 8, Vilnius
(See on the map)
Date of death 1943
Survived holocaust not survived
Murder place Kooga, Estija
Trade Teacher at the ORT technicum, electrician
Parents Vulfas Jocheles Gisia Jocheles
Maritial status Married
Name of spouse Rachela Jocheles
Number of children 2
Daugher's name Fania Jocheles
2 Daugher's name Riva Jocheles
Part of organization Society for the Promotion of Trades and Diligence among Jews ORT 
Mentioned last 1942
Publication LCVA F. R-643, ap. 5, b. 155, l. 37-42.

Additional information

Pictures from Fania Jocheles-Brancovsky family collection